March 12, 2019Single-authored Books | ||
2021 | Humanity’s Last Stand: Confronting Global Catastrophe. Foreword by Cynthia McKinney. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press | |
2016 | Humanitarian Aftershocks in Haiti. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. | |
2012 | Killing with Kindness: Haiti, International Aid, and NGOs. Foreword by Paul Farmer. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. French edition published 2015. Winner of the Margaret Mead Award. | |
Co-edited Volumes | ||
2016 | Gregory Button and Mark Schuller, eds. Contextualizing Disaster. New York: Berghahn Books. | |
2016 | Alessandra Benedicty-Kokken, Kaiama Glover, Mark Schuller, and Jhon Picard Byron, eds. The Haiti Exception: Anthropology and the Predicament of Narrative. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, Francophone Postcolonial Studies, vol. 7. | |
2012 | Mark Schuller and Pablo Morales, eds. Tectonic Shifts: Haiti since the Earthquake. Sterling, VA: Kumarian Press. Haitian Creole edition published 2013. | |
2008 | Nandini Gunewardena and Mark Schuller, eds. Capitalizing on Catastrophe: Neoliberal Strategies in Disaster Reconstruction. Lanham, MD: Alta Mira Press. | |
2006 | marilyn thomas-houston and Mark Schuller, eds. Homing Devices: the Poor as Targets of Public Housing Policy and Practice. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. | |
Documentary | ||
2009 | Renée Bergan and Mark Schuller. Poto Mitan: Haitian Woman, Pillars of the Global Economy. Watertown, MA: Documentary Educational Resources. www.potomitan.net | |
Peer-Reviewed Articles | ||
2023 | Crystal Felima, Abigail DeeWaard, Clara Barbier, Erico Cano-Garcia, Gonzalo Geronimo, Nari Coleman, Nataliya Hrysko, and Mark Schuller. “‘Maintaining Hope for a Better Future’: an Interview with Dr. Crystal Felima.” Annals of Anthropological Practice, Volume 47: 103-115. | |
2023 | “Dilemmas of Anthropological Activism, Solidarity, and Human Rights: Lessons from Haiti.” American Anthropologist, volume 125, issue 3: 597-610. | |
2023 | Mark Schuller and Christina Abreu. “Reproducing the ‘White Public Space’ in Anthropology Faculty Searches.” American Anthropologist, Volume 125, Issue 1: 186-193. | |
2022 | Darlène Dubuisson and Mark Schuller. “Beyond Poto Mitan: Challenging the ‘Strong Black Woman’ Archetype and Leaving Space for Tenderness.” Feminist Anthropology, Volume 3, Issue 1 (May): 60-74. | |
2020 | Maldonado, Julie, Mark Schuller, Lacey Benedick, Halle Boddy, Katelyn Kramer, Evan Blankenberger, Ardyn Cieslak, and Christine Jenkins. “‘Imagining a More Just World’: Interview with Julie Maldonado.” Annals of Anthropological Practice, Volume 44, Issue 1: 6-13. | |
2020 | K. Jessica Hsu and Mark Schuller. “Humanitarian Aid and Local Power Structures: Lessons from Haiti’s ‘Shadow Disaster.’” Disasters, Volume 44, Issue 4: 641-665 | |
2020 | Scott Freeman and Mark Schuller. “Aid Projects: the Effects of Commodification and Exchange.” World Development, Volume 126: 1-9. | |
2019 | “Entwodiksyon: Rechèch sou Teren apre Siklòn Matyè,” Journal of Haitian Studies, Volume 25, Number 2: 94-96. | |
2019 | Mark Schuller, Bette Gebrian, and Judy Lewis. “Yon Lòt Ayiti Posib: Glimmers of Another Haiti Following the 2010 Earthquake and 2016 Hurricane Matthew.” Human Organization, Volume 78, Issue 4: 267-277. | |
2018 | “Editoryal: les ONG.” Chantiers: Revue des Sciences Humaines et Sociales de l’UEH, Volume 4: 11-20. | |
2018 | “Fè ONG: Yon Nouvo Granmè ONG.” Chantiers, Volume 4: 231-244. | |
2017 | David Lewis and Mark Schuller. “Engagements with a Productively Unstable Category: Anthropologists and Nongovernmental Organizations,” Current Anthropology, Volume 54, Number 5: 634-651. | |
2017 | Kendall Thu, Mark Schuller, Tiara Huggins and Valarie Redmond. “Intersections of Tea Partyism, Racism, and Classism in a Low-Income Housing Struggle in DeKalb, Illinois.” Human Organization, Volume 76, Number 4: 348-357. | |
2016 | Mark Schuller and Julie Maldonado. “Disaster Capitalism.” Annals of Anthropological Practice, Volume 40, Number 1: 56-66. | |
2015 | “Introduction to Special Issue, Seeing Obama’s Election through the Black Americas: Ethnographic Perspectives as a Mirror,” Transforming Anthropology. Volume 23, Number 2: 63-67. | |
2015 | “Pa Manyen Fanm Nan Konsa: Intersectionality, Structural Violence, and Vulnerability Before and After Haiti’s Earthquake.” Feminist Studies, Volume 41, Number 1: 184-210. | |
2014 | “Being an Insider Without: Activist Anthropological Engagement in Haiti after the Earthquake.” American Anthropologist, Volume 116, Number 2 (June): 409-412. | |
2014 | Mark Schuller and Tania Levey. “Kabrit Ki Gen Twòp Mèt: Understanding Persistent Gaps in Water and Sanitation Services in Haiti’s IDP Camps.” Disasters. Volume 38, issue s1 (April): S1-S24. | |
2013 | “Archiving Violence: A Conversation between Mark Schuller and Deborah Thomas on the Making of Poto Mitan and Bad Friday.” Transition. Volume 112: 153-168. | |
2013 | “Enpak Èd Entènasyonal sou Enfrastrikti Sivik: ONG nan Kan pou Deplase Yo.” Haïti Perspectives. Volume 2, Issue 2 (Summer): 38-45. | |
2012 | “Challenges to Solidarity across Multiple Borders: Haiti’s Free Trade Zone.” Caribbean Quarterly. Volume 58, Number 4 (December): 87-110. | |
2012 | “Genetically Modified Organizations? Understanding and Supporting Local Civil Society in Urban Haiti.” Journal of Haitian Studies, Volume 18, Issue 1 (Spring): 50-73. | |
2011 | Elizabeth Currans, Mark Schuller, and Tiffany Willoughby-Herard. “Negotiating Treacherous Terrain: Disciplinary Power, Security Cultures, and Affective Ties in a Local Anti-War Movement.” Social Justice, Volume 38, Issue 3: 1-24. | |
2011 | “‘They Have Forgotten about Us!’ Gender and Haiti’s IDP Camps.” meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism, Volume 11, Issue 1: 149-157. | |
2011 | “Rasin Neyoliberal Kriz Lavi Chè a” (The Neoliberal roots of Haiti’s food crisis). Journal of Haitian Studies, Volume 17, Issue 1: 140-154. | |
2010 | “Haiti’s Disaster after the Disaster: the IDP Camps and Cholera.” Journal of Humanitarian Assistance, http://sites.tufts.edu/jha/archives/869 | |
2009 | “Gluing Globalization: NGOs as Intermediaries in Haiti.” Political and Legal Anthropology Review, Volume 32, Issue 1 (May): 84-104. Republished on online issue, new postscript. | |
2008 | “Participation, More than Add Women and Stir? A Comparative Case Analysis in Post-Coup Haiti.” Caribbean Review of Gender Studies, issue 2: 1-34. | |
2007 | “Invasion or Infusion? Understanding the Roles of NGOs in Contemporary Haiti.” Journal of Haitian Studies, Volume 13, Issue 2: 61-85. | |
2007 | “Haiti’s 200-Year Ménage-à-Trois: Globalization, the State, and Civil Society.” Caribbean Studies, Volume 35, Issue 1 (January – June 2007): 141-179. | |
2007 | “Seeing Like a ‘Failed’ NGO: Globalization’s Impacts on State and Civil Society in Haiti.” Political and Legal Anthropology Review, Volume 30, Issue 1 (Spring): 67-89. Republished on online issue, new postscript. | |
Book Chapters / Encyclopedia Articles | ||
2022 | “Dear Little Mothers: Governing the ‘Republic of NGOs.’” In Andria Timmer and Elizabeth Wirtz, eds. Gender, Power, and Non-Governance: Is Female to Male as NGO Is to State? New York: Berghahn Books, 193-216. | |
2020 | “Conclusion – Rewriting the Disaster Narrative: the Archaeological Imagination.” In Felix Riede and Payson Sheets, eds. Going Forward by Looking Back: Archaeological Perspectives on Socio-Ecological Crisis, Response, and Collapse. New York: Berghahn Books, 425-433. | |
2020 | “Challenges of ‘Communiversity’ Organizing in Trumplandia.” In Anna J. Willow and Kelly A. Yotebieng, eds. Anthropology and Activism: New Contexts, New Conversations. New York: Routledge Press, 175-189. | |
2019 | “‘Haitians Need to Be Patient:’ Notes on Policy Advocacy in Washington following Haiti’s Earthquake.” In Roberto Barrios and Susanna Hoffman, eds. Disaster Upon Disaster: Exploring the Gap between Risk and Disaster Knowledge and What Enters Policy and Practice. New York: Berghahn Books, 241-263. | |
2017 | “Dilemmas of Dual Roles, Studying NGOs, and Donor Driven ‘Democracy.’” In Amanda Lashaw, Stephen Sampson, and Christian Vannier, eds. Cultures of Doing Good: Anthropologists and NGOs. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press: 21-25. | |
2016 | “The Tremors Felt Round the World: Haiti’s Earthquake as Global Imagined Community.” In Gregory V. Button and Mark Schuller, editors, Contextualizing Disaster: 66-88. | |
2016 | “The Anthropological Uses of Haiti: a Long Durée Approach.” In Alessandra Benedicty, Jhon Picard Byron, Kaiama Glover, and Mark Schuller, editors, The Haiti Exception: 15-32. | |
2015 | “Pa Manyen Fanm Nan Konsa: Understanding Violence against Women after Haiti’s Earthquake.” In Jennifer Wies and Hillary Haldane, eds. Applying Anthropology to Gender Based Violence. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books: 107-118. | |
2014 | Mark Schuller and David Lewis. “Anthropology of NGOs.” In John L. Jackson, ed. Oxford Bibliographies in Anthropology. New York: Oxford University Press. | |
2014 | “Spotlights and Mirrors: Media and the Humanitarian Community in Haiti’s Disaster.” In Michele Acuto, ed. Negotiating Relief: The Dialectics of Humanitarian Aid. London: Hurst: 99-109. | |
2013 | “Cholera and the Camps: Reaping the Republic of NGOs.” In Millery Polyné, ed. The Idea of Haiti: History, Development and the Creation of New Narratives. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press: 181-201. | |
2012 | “Haiti’s Bitter Harvest: the NGOization of Humanitarian Aid.” In Antonio Donini, ed. The Golden Fleece: Manipulation and Independence in Humanitarian Action. Sterling, VA: Kumarian Press: 171-193. | |
2010 | “Mister Blan, or the Incredible Whiteness of Being an Anthropologist.” In Erin Taylor, ed. Fieldwork Identities in the Caribbean. Coconut Creek, FL: Caribbean Studies Press, 125-150. | |
2008 | “Deconstructing the Disaster after the Disaster: Conceptualizing Disaster Capitalism.” In Gunewardena and Schuller, eds. Capitalizing on Catastrophe, 17-27. | |
2008 | “Haiti Is Finished! Haiti’s ‘End of History’ meets Ends of Capitalism.” In Gunewardena and Schuller, eds. Capitalizing on Catastrophe, 191-214. | |
2006 | “Jamming the Meatgrinder World: Lessons Learned from Tenants Organizing in St. Paul.” In thomas-houston and Schuller, eds. Homing Devices, 159-180. | |
2006 | Mark Schuller and Marilyn Thomas-Houston. “Introduction: No Place Like Home, No Time Like the Present.” In Thomas-Houston and Schuller, eds. Homing Devices, 1-19. | |
Editor-reviewed articles | ||
2022 | “Haiti: What Does Solidarity Really Mean?” Anthropology Now, Volume 13, Number 3: 31-41. | |
2022 | “Building Back Bitter.” Hot Spots: Society for Cultural Anthropology. May 3. | |
2021 | Mamyrah Dougé-Prosper and Mark Schuller. “End of Empire? A View from Haiti.” NACLA Report on the Americas, Volume 53, Issue 1 (March): 1-6. | |
2020 | “Humanity’s Last Stand: Confronting Global Catastrophe.” Anthropology Now, Volume 12, Issue 3 (December): 136-145. | |
2020 | Mamyrah Dougé-Prosper and Mark Schuller. “Haiti’s Petro-Realité.” NACLA Report on the Americas, Volume 52, issue 1 (March): 20-25. | |
2017 | “Haiti’s Republic of NGOs.” Current History. Volume 116, number 787 (February): 68-73. | |
2015 | “Humanitarian Occupation in Haiti.” NACLA Report on the Americas, July 28. | |
2013 | “Working with Students on a Mixed-Methods, Social Justice Approach to Understanding Haiti’s IDP Camps,” Practicing Anthropology, Volume 35, Issue 3 (Summer 2013): 3-7. | |
2010 | “Shattered and Scattered: Haiti’s Earthquake within the Lens of Human Rights.” NACLA Report on the Americas, Volume 43, issue 5: (July-August 2010): 20-27. | |
2010 | “Trauma and Solidarity in the New Haiti.” NACLA Report on the Americas, Volume 43, issue 2 (March-April 2010): 4. | |
2010 | “From Activist to Applied Anthropologist to Anthropologist? On the Politics of Collaboration.” Practicing Anthropology, Volume 32, issue 1 (Winter 2010), 43-47. | |
2008 | “Haiti’s Food Riots: an Early Warning Sign of the World’s Food Crisis.” International Socialist Review, issue 59 (May-June 2008), 3-5. | |
Book Reviews | ||
2018 | Deadly River: Cholera and Cover-Up in Post-Earthquake Haiti, Ralph R. Frerichs. NWIG, Volume 92, Issue 1-2: 41-42. | |
2015 | Theorizing NGOs: States, Feminisms, and Neoliberalism, edited by Victoria Bernal and Inderpal Grewal. Anthropos, Volume 110: 598-600. | |
2015 | “Organic Intellectuals: Los Angeles Community Action Network’s Defense of ‘Skid Row’ and the Right to Housing,” National Political Science Review. Volume 17, Issue 1: 123-125. | |
2013 | Fault Lines: Views across Haiti’s Divide by Beverly Bell (2013). Journal of Haitian Studies, Volume 19, Issue 2: Fall: 208-211. | |
2013 | Driven from New Orleans: How Nonprofits Betray Public Housing and Promote Privatization by John Arena (2012). Working USA: the Journal of Labor and Society, Volume 16, Issue 2: 312-316. | |
2011 | “Five Decades of Anthropological Engagement in the Caribbean: Sidney Mintz’ Three Ancient Colonies (2010).” Anthropology Now, Volume 3, Issue 2: 78-83. | |
2008 | Twinning Faith and Development: Catholic Parish Partnering in the US and Haiti by Tara Hefferan 2007). Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, Volume 13, Issue 2: November, 478-480. | |
2003 | When the Hands Are Many by Jennie Smith (2001) Journal of Haitian Studies, Volume 9, Issue 1, spring 2003. | |
Other Publications | ||
2012 | Homeward Bound? Assessing Progress of Relocation from Haiti’s IDP Camps. Report published on November 16 by NIU and Université d’État d’Haïti: http://ijdh.org/archives/29560 | |
2012 | Is it Time for MINUSTAH to Leave? Popular Perceptions of the UN Stabilization Mission in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, report published on February 14 by York College: http://ijdh.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/MINUSTAH-Report.pdf | |
2011 | Mèt Kò Veye Kò: Foreign Responsibility in the Failure to Protect against Cholera and Other Man-Made Disasters, report published on January 22 by CUNY and Université d’État d’Haïti: http://ijdh.org/archives/16896 | |
2010 | Unstable Foundations: Impacts of NGOs on Human Rights for Port-au-Prince’s Internally Displaced People, report published on October 4 by CUNY and the Faculté d’Ethnologie, Université d’État d’Haïti: http://ijdh.org/archives/14855. | |
2010 – present | Columnist for Huffington Post. Over forty articles published since 2010, re-published elsewhere with permission. | |
2010 | “Uncertain Ground: Haiti’s Earthquake and its Aftermath,” published on Counterpunch, February 10. | |
2010 | “Starfish and Seawalls: Responding to Haiti’s Earthquake, Now and Long-Term,” published on Common Dreams, January 14. | |
2009 | “Haiti’s Elections: ‘Beat the Dog Too Hard,’” published on Counterpunch, Common Dreams, and others: June. | |
2009 | Report: “Haiti Needs New Development Approaches, not More of the Same,” published on HaitiAnalysis.com, Commonwealth Institute, and others: June. | |
2008 | “Gluing Globalization: NGOs as Intermediaries in Haiti.” Anthropology News: vol. 49, no. 2: February, 40. | |
2007 | “Sex, Lies, and International Aid: a Tale of Two Scandals.” Anthropology News: vol. 48, no. 6: September, 44. | |
2007-2013 | Columnist, SfAA Newsletter | |
2006 | “Break the Chains of Haiti’s Debt.” Report for Jubilee USA, May 20. | |
2006 | “‘Privatizing the State’ in Haiti.” Anthropology News: vol. 47, no. 4: April, 41. | |
2006 | “Assessing Participation in Haitian Health NGOs.” Within Reach: vol. 4, no. 4. | |
2000 | Will the Real Superman Please Stand Up? Original play, directed by JB Becker, debuted at Minnesota Fringe Festival. | |
2000 | Davis, Laura, Laura Jelinek, Melissa Manderschied, and Mark Schuller. 2000. “CDBG Workbook.” Minneapolis: Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, University of Minnesota, January 2000. |